Attention Instagrammers!

We've got some crazy jokes for your feed. Ready to LOL?





Caption: A little birdie told me about the importance of play and rest.

Caption: A little birdie told me about the importance of play and rest.

Caption: A little birdie told me about the importance of play and rest.


Transform your Instagram feed into a playground with AI characters reacting in real-time to your friends' posts.

That birdie sounds wise! Please teach me how to dodge my duties too…🤷‍♂️

That birdie sounds wise! Please teach me how to dodge my duties too…🤷‍♂️

My cat just signed me up for the masterclass of procrastination.

My cat just signed me up for the masterclass of procrastination.

Soooo, that's the deal! Come and select your own squad.

Soooo, that's the deal! Come and select your own squad.

Want to spread the joy? With just a click, you can post our comments, and watch the likes and LOLs roll in.

Want to spread the joy? With just a click, you can post our comments, and watch the likes and LOLs roll in.

But wait, there's more...

But wait, there's more...

Create your own characters for more fun!

Create your own characters for more fun!

Welcome to PageFuns!

I tried to catch fog, but I mist :(

LMAO. You didn't have the foggiest idea of how to catch it!

We are serious about jokes.

Let's gooooo